The department of Urbanism and the European Post-master in Urbanism – EMU, have been invited to be part of a collaboration between Chinese and western universities.

The objective of the exchange is to discuss the role of waterscapes in city development in China.

The exchange is organised by the China Architecture and Design Group – CADG and will review current practices and propose guidelines and spatial strategies for three cities in China, Beijing, Suzhou and Yinchuan.

TU Delft will collaborate with Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology in the study of the city of Yinchuan.

In the first round of the exchange, there was a visit to the city of Yinchuan, discussion with the planning authorities and the formulation of the work plan. TU Delft was represented in Beijing and Yinchuan by the coordinator of the workshop Marco Lub from the Urban Design Chair and Luiz Carvalho, coordinator of EMU.

In July ten students from EMU will go to China to work together with a group of master students from Xi’an. The outcome of the exchange will be a publication and exhibition by the end of 2018.


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