We are very proud to announce that the graduation project of Felipe Chaves Gonzalez – a 2019/20 Planning Complex Cities student – won one of the in the Netherlands very prestigious Archiprix 2020 first prizes. We congratulate Felipe on this great success! We also compliment his mentors: Luiz de Cavalho Filho and Birgit Hausleitner.

The project of Felipe is called ‘Permeable Borders’. The jury notes in brief: ‘This graduation project tackles an equally relevant and complex task. Its goal is to improve the integration of vulnerable residents in Rio de Janeiro. The designer succeeds in convincingly setting up a development model for the city, including a realistic and practical toolkit to heal it. The proposal excels in strategic planning and meta planning .’* For more information on the competition entry and comments by the jury, see http://www.archiprix.nl/national/. For more information on the graduation project, see here. For more information on the graduation studio Planning Complex Cities – engaging researchers at the Department of Urbanism’s section Spatial Planning & Strategy and Urban Studies and focused on combining knowledge from the fields of planning and design – see here.

* my translation

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