The Metten Stein + Design Urbanisme Award 2012

The Knowledge Lab of Urbanism organized this year for the first time the Metten Stein + Design Urbanism Award. They hope this will be the beginning of a tradition.

This Urban Planning Award is intended for students at HBO or WO colleges in the Netherlands. The key question of this year’s award is: “How can we keep the city vital?” Students from various areas of knowledge, ranging from Planning to Industrial Engineering to Economic business were encouraged  to join the award. Thirty-seven contestants answered to this call. And from these thesises three recents graduates were selected . You can see more at

The nominees for this award were: Saba Golchehr (Urbanism, TU Delft), Jasper Nijveldt (Urbanism, TU Delft) and Steven Stolk (Urban and Regional Planning, UvA). These three nominees have presented their work for a jury of 16 professionals and on December 7th the winner of the Award was announced during a special meeting of the Knowledge Lab in Amersfoort. The winner of the Award was Saba Golchehr, who graduated within the Complex Cities Studio last Summer. Her full thesis can be downloaded from:

Saba Golchehr wins the award

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