
From right to left: Prof. Vincent Nadin, Atsufumi Yokoi, Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Roberto Rocco.

Atsufumi Yokoi, an alumno of the Department of Urbanism and the Complex Cities graduation studio, is special advisor to the President of Okayama University in Japan. Yoko got his degree in Urbanism in 2008 with work on an alternative mobility system for the city of Lusaka, in Zambia, guided by Roberto Rocco, Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado and Willem Hermans. He went on to work for 3 years at the African Centre for Cities (ACC) in Cape Town and later became a doctoral candidate at the University of Tokyo, where he conducted research on sustainable urban development in African cities, in order to enhance poverty reduction with respect to self-organizing, socio-economic activities for the urban poor.

Yokoi is now working to strengthening the ties between TU Delft and Okayama University. The aim is to promote future exchange of knowledge and people, specially Master students and researchers.


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