Complex cities graduations are TU Delft MSc Urbanism graduations that reflect upon research topics at the interest of the Randstad research group. We are running a webpage that is dedicated to these graduations. This webpage has now been updated to describe Complex cities graduation topics for 2017/18 MSc Urbanism graduations.

New (or updated) topics concern ageing, migration, urban regeneration and liveability in Chinese cities, spatial planning and territorial governance in European regions and [in]formal spatial practices in the global South. In the definition of topics researchers have considered their expertise and their involvement in ongoing research projects. They have anticipated on interests of students. Topics were defined to guarantee productive co-operation among researchers and students.

For more information on the topics that students and researchers will commonly investigate during the upcoming year, please consider the links listed below. Please look at the listed examples of earlier MSc Urbanism graduations that are referred to on pages also. They demonstrate how valuable co-operation among students and researchers are!

Image source: DALLA, N. 2016. Connecting São Paulo: Experimenting participation in urban development Graduation. Report Master Thesis in Urbanism. Delft, Delft University of Technology.

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