On the 13th of October  2:30 to 4:00 p.m. (Amsterdam time) we will be hosting a participatory lab session as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities (the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy and territorial development, which has become a unique communication and networking platform, bringing together practitioners and academics from regions and cities from all over Europe).

The session will focus on the work produced in the Interreg WaVE project, in which our team plays the role of the knowledge partner. The topic will be “Co-creating heritage futures: citizen and stakeholder engagement in heritage valorisation“. The session will involve the audience in an interactive dialogue to discuss and co-create idea boards for effectively engaging citizens and stakeholders in actions and policies to valorise tangible and intangible heritage as part of wider eco-systemic action to drive economic, social and environmental sustainability in cities and regions. The session will include four story-tellers, practitioners from Breda, Ravenna, Alicante and Aarhus, starting up the discussion with inspiring stories about how citizens were involved in working with water-linked heritage in these locations and how that made a difference. It will be moderated by Kasia Piskorek.

Find out all the details about WaVE’s the participatory lab here.

Here you will find the flyer about the participatory lab.

Register here (participation is free of charge, but be quick because the sessions do fill up fast).


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