SPS chair and the Urbanism Department were very well represented at the International Planning History Society 2018 Conference in the port city of Yokohama. Cinco Yu presented his PhD research on participation in urban regeneration in Taipei and Luiz Carvahlo Filho his work on planning codes and urban form. Moreover, Yu-Tzu Lin (Keats), Meng Meng and Marcin Dabrowski took part in a panel on ‘Diverse Planning Cultures on the Way to Flood Resilient City’, alongside Fransje Hooimeijer. The comparisons between the difficulties in integrating flood risk considerations into planning across different contexts, from Taipei, Guangzhou, Houston, Hong Kong, Saga, to Tokyo, dominated the discussions. Beyond that, Nurul Azlan presented on post-colonialism in planning in Malaysia and Victor Muñoz Sanz on planning and automation (he also got a prize for best PhD thesis!). A great conference overall (despite the scorching heat) with lots of opportunities to learn, in particular about planning in Japan.


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