Exhibition of the 20 finalists of the ideas competition.

The Department of Urbanism and the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy sponsored the student-led Symposium Confronting Informality on June 7, 2018. The event was part of the research package sponsored by the City of the Hague on ‘Sustainable Development Goals for Responsible Innovation‘ and was also funded by Delft Global Initiative and Polis.

This is an yearly event that happens in the framework of TU Delft’s partnership with UN-Habitat and the World Urban Campaign to promote the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The event gathered more than 50 people interested in the discussion about how to tackle informal urbanisation in the Global South, how to improve informal settlements, while preserving communities and creating public goods. Read about the background and rationale of the competition HERE.

The jury assesses the works submitted

The event was moderated by Sukanya Krishnamuthy (Department of the Built Environment, TU Eindhoven) and Roberto Rocco (SPS, TU Delft) and had the following speakers:

Ignacio Cardona (Venezuela), GSD Harvard University, Cambridge

Nipesh P Narayanan (India), University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Alonso Ayala Aleman (Venezuela), Senior Expert in  Housing and Human Settlement Planning, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) at Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Ellen Geurts (The Netherlands), IHS Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Abigail Friendly is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University, and a fellow at the Global Cities Institute at the University of Toronto, was part of the jury.

Public at the Confronting Informality Symposium

The symposium revolved around the ideas competition launched by the symposium, which attracted 50 submissions from all over the world. 20 finalists were pre-selected by the organising committee and prizes were awarded to three outstanding projects in the Global South.

The winners were Rahfatun Nisa Nova (Freelance Architect, 27), Ayesha Labiba Khalil (Masters in disaster management at BRAC UNIVERSITY, 26), Nazila Sabrin Zaman (Bachelor of Architecture, BRAC, 25),  Monjura Khatun Nisha (Phd Candidate in Public Health at the University of Sidney), and Md. Nazim Uddin (Community organiser) (25), from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The second place was split between Philipp Winter, Laura Ximena Vargas Pabon, Florangela Chahuayo Huillca, Ahmed Mamdouh Hussein, from CAIRO UNIVERSITY doing work in Rosetta, Egypt, and Ana Clara Oliveira de Araújo, Mariana Ribeiro Pardo, Camila Pinho de Mello, from the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY of BAHIA, Brazil, doing work in Salvador.

Two groups received honourable mentions: Amina Chouari, Antonio Sposetti, Chiara Magli, Mariaelena Scaglia from the POLITECNICO di MILANO and Ferya Ilyas, Shizhe Ma and Yilin LaiUn from the UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART.

The results of the symposium and competition were presented at the Peace Palace in The Hague, in the event promoted by TBM and The Municipality of the Hague to celebrate the conclusion of the SDGs and Responsible Innovation project.

The symposium was organised by:

Anubhuti Chandna (INDIA), Asmeeta Das Sharma (INDIA), Deepanshu Arneja (INDIA), Diego Moya Ortiz (CHILE), Felipe Gonzales (BRAZIL),  Gabriela Waldherr (GERMANY), Leyden Durand (VENEZUELA), Nilofer Tajuddin (INDIA), Ninad Sansare (INDIA), Oriana De Lucia (VENEZUELA), Pablo Muñoz Unceta (SPAIN), Ricardo Avella (VENEZUELA), Şulenur KILIÇ (TURKEY) and Roberto Rocco (BRAZIL).

For detailed information, please visit the dedicated website.




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