On 7, 8 and 9 June 2017, the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft will organise an URBAN THINKERS CAMPUS.
UTCs are sponsored by the World Urban Campaign and UN-HABITAT They are supposed to gather stakeholders in order to discuss specific urban development issues and agree on policy commitments.
Our UTC is a bit different. We wish to gather stakeholders from the academic and educational worlds, as well as NGOs, companies and government agencies, to discuss how best to TEACH and LEARN issues related to and stemming from the #NewUrbanAgenda
Our main question is how to prepare young professionals to understand and implement the New Urban Agenda in very diverse national and local environments? This is an initiative from TU Delft in partnership with TU-Eindhoven, IHS-Erasmus Rotterdam, Arcadis and others.
Our UTC will discuss strategies, methodologies, literature and practical exercises that can be implemented in higher education courses. This will also be a moment to meet like-minded people, engage in debate and form new partnerships.
We are now collecting ideas, partnership and speakers proposals. Don’t hesitate to drop me a line and express your thoughts! If you have an idea about a relevant speaker, an activity or game, or methodology let us know!
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