_DSC1113 Flyer Thesis Award 2015The winner of the NALACS Thesis Award 2013-2014 is Gijs Steinmann, with his thesis on ‘Reconciling Legal Pluralism with Equal Citizenship: Colombian Multiculturalism and the Recognition of Wayú Customary Law’ (UU).

The NALACS Thesis Award is promoted by NALACS, the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and took place last FEB 27 at RIALTO, in Amsterdam.

Wouter Poccornie, an alumnus from the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft, was also a runner up. Wouter’s thesis was entitled ‘Critical Alternative Approach in Post-Disaster Re-development (TU Delft), with a case study of Villa Rosa, a deprived neighbourhood in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The area was badly damaged by the 2010 earthquake which ravaged the country.

The Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy is one of the sponsor of this award.

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