On September 2017, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft will be receiving 750 new Master students, both Dutch students who will continue their education here and internationals. They will be the new Architects, Urbanists, Building Technologists and Managers in the Built Environment.

I AM LOOKING FOR 30 students who want to help me give a workshop for the 750 new Masters students. We will be working on the famous “Mind Maps”, with which you are all familiar with.
The workshop will happen on SEPTEMBER 5th from 14h00 to 17h00 and there is a small gift for those who help organise it. We will have to talk to 150 groups and discuss what are values, qualities, tools, knowledge and skills you need to have to be a student at BOUWKUNDE and an ethical professional later on.

If you are interested to help, please end me an email at r.c.rocco@tudelft.nl 

Best wishes!

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