The chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy has received 100 grad students and teachers from the Planning Course at the University of the West of England (UWE) at Bristol. The 100 students and teachers were led by Marcus Grant of the Institute of Sustainability, Health and Environment of the UWE.

The Chair of Spatial Planning organised 3 lectures given by Erwin Heurkens of the Department of Real Estate and Housing with a lecture on area development in the Netherlands. Erwin was followed by Dominic Stead of the OTB with a lecture  on urban growth and management in the Randstad. Finally our own Verena Balz (SPS) closed the morning with a lecture on issues of regional governance and design in the Randstad.

The students, originally from various different courses at UWE, spent 4 days in the Netherlands learning about several aspects of spatial planning and healthy cities in the country.

The session was accompanied by several teachers and Janet AskewHead of Department of Planning & Architecture of the UWE.











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