The Confronting Informality Symposium is a student led event sponsored by the Chair of Spatial Planning & Strategy at the TU Delft University of Technology.

The 2016 Symposium will approach informal urbanisation with social disarticulation and segregation as main perspectives.

We invite you to submit your work for a poster exhibition to be held on the next edition of the Symposium.

We believe that even the smallest idea matters and will enrich the debate on the topic.

Submission’s deadline: March 4th, 2016

Posters’ guidelines and template will be available on our webpage.

Find more information in:

March 10th – 18th, 2016

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

Delft University of Technology



  1. Any project tackling the issue of informal urbanism is welcomed. The project could be in the form of physical (spatial) interventions as well as socio-cultural programs (community empowerment).
  2. The official language for posters exhibition is English.
  3. The posters should be in A1 (594 x 841 mm) format, portrait. Each participant may submit up to 2 A1 sheets.
  4. The posters should include all the necessary information for the full understanding of the project, including but not limited to:
  5. Title, author / affiliation, location of the project.
  6. Short biography of the author (100 words).
  7. Brief summary of the project (300 words).
  8. All texts should be written in League Gothic font, following the size indicated in the layout provided. For legends and auxiliary texts use the minimum font size of 18 pt.
  9. Images should be:
  • In high resolution (300 dpi)
  • Legible and in good quality
  • Accompanied by descriptive text or legends.
  1. Technical drawings are welcome and should be accompanied by all of necessary notations (scales and legends).
  2. The posters must comply with the layout provided by the organizing committee.

The layout will be available in InDesign package format. The participants will be notified as soon as the format is downloadable.

  1. All files should be submitted in PDF format.
  2. The posters must be submitted on Friday, March 4th, 2016, 17:00 CET at the latest to
  3. The organizing committee will review the posters and announce the selected ones on March 7th, 2016. The selected posters will be exhibited from March 10th – 18th, 2016 in Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology.
  4. The participation cost for the selected posters is € 15, which will cover the printing expenses.
  5. 10. The selected posters will also be featured in our forthcoming publication along with the work of the speakers and reflections from the symposium



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