Marta picture 2CyS dots image Tiendplein 08Randstad Research Seminar Series #12:

Advances in Doctoral Research: Marta Relats and Els Leclercq

Date and time: Friday DEC 12 from 12h30 to 14h00

Location: Anneke van Cootenzaal (OTB, ground floor)

Speakers: Marta Relats Torante and Els Leclercq


Els Leclercq and Marta Relats Torante are PhD candidates at the Design and Politics chair of the Urbanism Department. Their promoter is Wouter Vanstiphout, and Els’ daily supervisor is Dorina Pojani.


Marta Relats pictureMarta Relats

Pockets of reindustrialization in Europe: Regional planning and urban design impacts.

Why we need to redesign our industrial landscape: The comeback of the industry and its physical, social and political integration in the territory through design in western industrialised countries

Chair Design as Politics

Department of Urbanism – Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, T.U. Delft

“The aim of this research is to investigate how to place the industry in the territory of western industrialised countries, in the foreground of a recovered interest in manufacture. The main hypothesis of this study is that design can contribute to two main societal goals at stake in today’s situation: one, the successful evolutionary breakthrough of the industry so that it is competitive, innovative and efficient. Two, that its placement signifies a quality increase of the whole environment it is set in, the physical and the social, henceforth political. It includes, among others, the comeback of manufacturing, reshoring, welfare paternalistic industrialist models, industrial and scientific parks, periurbanization, infrastructure and factory architecture”.


foto EMLEls Leclercq

The perception of the user on the privatisation of urban space

Keywords: Urban space, publicness, urban space, governance, user perception, urban design analysis

Chair Design as Politics

Department of Urbanism – Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, T.U. Delft

In recent decades local government started to shift responsibilities that were formerly regarded as seen as public, to the private sector, public private partnerships or to individuals. Many examples can be seen throughout the Western world whereby maintenance is outsourced to private companies or to a group of local residents, and even cases whereby originally public spaces have turned into private hands. The gap that has been left by a retreating local government, with the emphasis on a more facilitating role rather than a leading role, is being filled with the arrival of private interests in all facets of the production of public space. This research analyses the public – private divide in three case studies in Liverpool in three different ways: from the producers, from the consumers (the users) and from the independent designer’s point of view.


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