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Urbanism Randstad Research Programme

Regional Governance, Planning and Design Research Cluster

Research Seminar: March 20th, from 15:00-17:00 at OTB, TU Delft, Hugo Priemus Zaal

TOPIC: Urban farming in city regions: a relevant topic for spatial planning and design?

Urban farming has received a lot of attention in the last few years. For many, food production within city perimeters or very close to cities is seen as way out of what is regarded as today’s unsustainable food production system. Healthy food, produced in environmental friendly ways at very short distances from where the food is consumed is regarded as the ideal situation for tomorrow. Others are more sceptical: urban farming can never feed the ever-growing numbers of city dwellers around the globe. So what is urban farming? Is it just hype? Or is ‘urban farming’ a metaphor to rethink the ecological position of cities i.e. the flows which go in and out of our urban systems like water, energy, air and waste? And what has spatial planning to do with it?



Prof. dr. Arnold van der Valk, Wageningen University & Research Centre

Dr. Herman Lelieveldt, University College Roosevelt, Middelburg

With contributions by Arjan van Timmeren, Ulf Hackauf, Nico Tillie and Rene van der Velde from the Department of Urbanism, TU Delft.


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