Rotterdam Urban Lectures
Erasmus University College

Erasmus University College is launching a new public lecture series on cities and urban issues. All are invited to attend. We have a program of distinguished scholars from the Netherlands and beyond who will be giving informative and accessible lectures aimed at stimulating debate and challenging some of the dominant narratives about cities. These events are free and you do not need to register. We look forward to welcoming you to Erasmus University College in the heart of Rotterdam!


Film screening: We are not ghosts

A film showing inspiring grassroots initiatives from Detroit

Monday 22 February, 18.30 – 20.00 (Lecture Hall A)

Creative cities and the fragmentation of socio-economic space
Bas van Heur, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Monday 7 March 2016, 18.00 – 20.00 (Erasmus Hall)

The fifty year rebellion: Race and resistance in U.S. urban politics
Scott Kurashige, University of Washington Bothell
Thursday March 24 2016, 18.00 – 20.00 (Erasmus Hall)

Rio Olympic Legacy: Missed opportunities
Dr Roberto Rocco, TU Delft
Monday 25 April, 18.00 – 20.00 (Erasmus Hall)

Driving Detroit: the quest for respect in the Motor City
George Galster, Wayne State University
Monday 6 June, 18.00 – 20.00 (Erasmus Hall)

More information, including lecture introductions and biographies at:

The lecture series is supported by Stichting de Verre Bergen

I hope to see you in Rotterdam!

Dr Brian Doucet | Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies, Dept of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Erasmus University College  e: | | @bmdoucet 
Rotterdam Urban Lectures poster[1]
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