Urban development in China: priorities and dilemmasA Seminar organized by the studio Complex Cities of the Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy and Real Estate and Housing.

In the process of rapid economic development and re-structuring, Chinese cities have undergone three major transitions simultaneously in the last three decades. These are marketization, internationalization and rural-urban migration, and together they have constituted one of the major transformations in Chinese urban history. The aim of this seminar is to explain and discuss current Chinese government policy on cities and urban agglomerations, and the changing priorities that have influenced decision-making. A case study of Beijing will be presented and discussed by experts and researchers on urban China study.

The seminar invites all those who are interested in the urbanization process and urban development of Chinese cities. Special invitation will be given to the colleagues from Urbanism and Real Estate & Housing, MSc. Students from the studio ‘complex cities’, EMU students.


Time: November 18th, 2011

Location: Room C, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL, Delft

Contact persons: QU Lei (L.Qu@tudelft.nl), CHEN Yawei (Y.Chen@tudelft.nl).

Duration: 3.5 hours (13:45pm~17:15pm)

13:45~ 14:00 Reception

14:00~14:10 Welcome speech- Prof. Vincent Nadin

Session 1: the context (Chair person- Prof. Vincent Nadin)

14:10~14:25 Overview of Chinese Urban Development- QU Lei (15 minutes)

14:25~15:05 State, market and space: the context change in China’s urban development process – CHEN Yawei and Stan Majoor (40 minutes)

15:05~15:30 Questions and Panel Discussion

15:30~15:40 Coffee Break

Session 2: the cases (Chair person- Prof. Vincent Nadin)

15:40~ 16:10 Beijing: its priorities and dilemmas- QU Lei (30 minutes)

16:10~16:40 Panel feedback and discussion

16: 40~17:15 Propositions on the future of Chinese city regions-

 Shanghai periphery -HE Jinghuan (10 minutes)

 Small towns in the Yangtze River Delta -YING Jun (10 minutes)

                      Questions and discussion (15 minutes)

Panel members:

Dr. Gregory Bracken (TU Delft/ IIAS)

Prof. Dr. Martin de Jong (TU Delft)

Dr. Stan Majoor (UvA)

Dr. Stephen Read (TU Delft)

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