On the 28th of October, 14.00-16.00, room C at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, there will be a debate about globalisation and its impact on the local identity of cities. Illustrated by three cases over the world, different prepositions concerning the impact of globalisation on the local identities of cities will be discussed. Experts will have a lead in discussions. Gregory Bracken will argue on how rapid spatial transformation, due to globalisation, changes the identity of a city’s original residents by means of insights into the development of Shenzhen, China. Jaap Nieuwenhuis will identify the conflicts that arise from different perceptions of identity by referring to the development of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Leeke Reinderts will discuss the controversial role of city authorities and residents in keeping and creating city identity by elaborating upon the development of Coney Island, New York, US.

The debate is organized by graduation students of the Complex Cities group at the department of Urbanism, TU Delft.

The program of the event is listed below. For more information on the prepositions that will be debated, see here.

  • 14.00-14.05   Entrance
  • 14.05-14.10    Introduction talk by organisers
  • 14.10-14.20    Presentation Gregory Bracken – Shenzen, China
  • 14.20-14.40    Debate proposition1
  • 14.45-14.55    Presentation by Jaap Nieuwenhuis – Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • 14.55-15.15    Debate proposition 2
  • 15.20-15.30    Presentation  Leeke Reinderts – Coney Island, NYC, USA
  • 15.30-15.50    Debate proposition 3
  • 15.50-15.55    Round up talk by organisers
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