The preliminary online report on the UTC (Urban Thinkers Campus) organised at Tu delft between 7 and 9  June is on-line, at the World Urban Campaign (UN –Habitat) website.

There is also a more journalistic version available on the WUC platform newsletter ‘On the road’

CITISCOPE also published an interview with RobertoRocco on the UTC.

Finally, B-Nieuws, the independent periodical of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (BK) has published a piece written by Roberto Rocco on the New Urban Agenda and a follow-up text is on the making.

Our idea for the future is to continue to organise similar events on teaching the New Urban Agenda, in place of the Confronting Informality Symposium.  If you wish to be informed, please join our MAILING LIST.

We would like to thank all who contributed to this event, which includes a group of 25 speakers and around 20 students from Urbanism and Architecture who helped organise this event.



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