Call for inclusion as partners in Horizon2020 Bid on Spatial justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities

Horizon 2020: Societal Challenges Call : H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016-2017 TOPIC : Spatial justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities

The Section of Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is looking for opportunities to be included as partners in the H2020 Societal Challenges Call on Spatial Justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities.

The Section is composed by individuals from a variety of backgrounds, concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools – visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

We are particularly interested in how intervention through spatial planning can meet the challenges of territorial and urban management in the context of the growing complexity of networked urban regions. We undertake international case studies and cross-national research on global and European cities and use spatial justice, social sustainability and governance as some of our main frameworks for analysis.

We have a good track record on research and publication in this area, but have unfortunately missed this particular call and are now looking to be included as partners.

If you are preparing a call or have any leads, please write to Roberto Rocco at




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