SURVEY FOR PLANNING PRACTITIONERS. A team at TU Delft’s OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment is currently working on a research project entitled Implementing Transit-Oriented Development (iTOD). The project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. It focuses on achieving the integration of urban development and transport nodes – often referred to as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) – in order to deliver more sustainable patterns of urban development. The main geographical focus of the project is the Amsterdam metropolitan region. One part of the project is concerned with understanding the processes of using, representing and translating knowledge and information in planning Transit-Oriented Development. More information about the iTOD project is available online at  A few short surveys have been developed to collect some background information for the project. The aim of the surveys is to identify how policy ideas on Transit-Oriented Development are being transferred within or outside the Netherlands. Your responses to the questions will be treated confidentially and used to identify contacts and reports in order to trace the transfer of policy ideas concerning land-use planning and transport planning.
If you are a public official / planner in the Amsterdam region, please fill out this survey.
If you are a public official / planner in another city in the Netherlands, please fill out this survey.
If you are a public official / planner in a national agency (Ministry, Institute, etc.) in the Netherlands, please fill out this survey.
If you are a public official / planner in a national agency (Ministry, Institute, etc.) outside the Netherlands, please fill out this survey.
Thank you very much for your response!
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