Ooze architects was awarded the Bronze prize at the recent LafargeHolcim 2017 Awards, the world’s most significant competition in sustainable construction. From over 750 entries across Latin America (and over 5,000 worldwide), their project Água Carioca was selected as a leading example of innovative design. The jury highlighted the ‘intelligence and playfulness’ with which Ooze took on the pressing challenge of water supply and sanitation in informal areas in Rio de Janeiro, as well as its participatory approach:  “By making water treatment local and visible, the proposed scheme creates an active relationship between water management and the community”. More information on the project can be found here.

Members of Spatial Planning & Strategy contributed to the project. Verena Balz collaborated as scientific adviser on the design strategy; Kate Unsworth, 2016 MSc Urbanism graduate, contributed as employee at Ooze architects.

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