Maarten Lamers is a board member of the Media Technology MSc program at Leiden University. He coordinates an introductory-science course together with Bas Haring, in which the role of creativity in scientific research is central.
The Media Technology program stimulates students to deal with science in creative, playful and innovative ways, in which personal inspiration and curiosity are leading. We aim to deliver creative scientists that are capable of finding new, interesting and unexpected area’s of research.
You can get more information about the Media Technology programme HERE.
This year, the topic of “research by design”, or “research through design” was included and Roberto Rocco was invited to give a lecture on the relevant and necessary relationships between academic research and design practice. The lecture was seen by approximately 30 students, who asked several questions at the end. Maarten Lamers illustrated the lecture with examples of “research by design” from the Media Technology programme, greatly enriching the content of the lecture.
You can see the presentation below:

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