David Harvey. Source: davidharvey.org

In their graduation year, students at the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft are supervised by two “mentors”. These mentors or supervisors have a strong impact on how students orient their work. TU Delft has an excellent team of supervisors: designers, planners, economists, psychologists, computer modeling specialists, landscape designers. The pool is very varied, because Urbanism is a trans-diciplinary activity that combines different specialisms from the social sciences, the physical sciences and from design and planning practices.

But what if you could have a “dream team” of supervisors with the most renowned specialists in their own field to guide your work? Who would they be? And what would you like to research and design? Here are some ideas:

+ The impacts of urban sprawl and zoning on city life, supervised by Jane Jacobs and  Lewis Mumford (journalist – with no degree, and sociologist/ historian)
+ The townscape of garden cities, supervised by Kevin Lynch and Ebenezer Howard (urban planner and Parliamentary reporter)
+ Shaping the modern city and its public realm, supervised by Richard Sennett and Peter Hall (musician turned urbanist and geographer-planner)
What about you? Who would be your own “dream team”? What are their specialisms and what would they be able to teach you?
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