In recognition of his scholarship and expertise in planning studies, Dominic Stead (associate professor of urban and regional planning) has been nominated as a new member of the editorial board of the journal European Planning Studies. The journal is a well-respected and firmly-established planning journal published by Taylor and Francis in cooperation with the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). This is Dominic’s fourth nomination to an editorial board. He also serves on the editorial boards of the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, the Journal of Planning Education and Research, and Planning Practice and Research. Dominic Stead is Associate Professor at the OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment of the TU Delft.

Click on inks below for Dominic’s most recent publications:

Nadin, V. & Stead, D. (2013). Opening up the Compendium: An Evaluation of International Comparative Planning Research Methodologies. European Planning Studies,

Stead, D. (2012). Best Practices and Policy Transfer in Spatial Planning. Planning Practice and Research 27(1), 103-116,

Geerlings, H.; Shiftan, Y. & Stead, D. (2012). Transition towards Sustainable Mobility. The Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions. Transition towards Sustainable Mobility. Farham: Ashgate,


Member of the editorial board of:

European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research,

Journal of Planning Education and Research,

Planning Practice and Research,


See also Dominic’s highly cited articles in the following journals:

Environment and Planning B, top 10,

Planning Theory and Practice, top 10,

Transport Policy, top 20,

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