The Spatial Planning and Strategy group  is very pleased to welcome a new postdoctoral researcher, Dr Dorina Pojani. Dorina has recently started work on a research project funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Dorina is working with Dominic Stead and Verena Balz on research that focuses on processes of using, representing and translating knowledge and information related to transit-oriented development (TOD) planning concepts. The project runs alongside research being carried out by two other postdoctoral researchers in the University of Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen.

Dorina was previously employed by Epoka University in Tirana, Albania, where she taught urban planning. She completed her graduate studies in the USA and Albania, and worked for several years in urban and transportation planning in California. She has published books and several articles on transport and urban planning. More information about the research project can be found on the NWO website.

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