Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Our 2019 group photo

Our 2019 group photo

This is our group in 2019 with our vision for the future. In 2019 Professor Vincent Nadin has left the section, as he retired. For information about our group, please write to spatial planning-BK@tudelft.nl
Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

On the occasion of Professor Vincent Nadin’s retirement after 11 years at TU Delft, the section Spatial Planning and Strategy launched a book celebrating Vincent’s time as head of the section and later a head of department. This book is a compilation of all our activities during those eleven years....
SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft

SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft

SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft. Click on the logo to go to the official website of the Department of Urbanism Urbanism The Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology...


  The chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy promotes activities concerning International Urban Development. This concerns mostly issues of urban development in the Global South. This includes (but is not limited to) urban management, housing, informal urbanisation, governance, resources management, territorial management, urban emergencies, among other topics concerning the built environment in the Global...
Join our Facebook group! 5000+ people have done so!

Join our Facebook group! 5000+ people have done so!

5000+ people have joined our group on Facebook since its creation. That is the space we use to comment on current events, to discuss books and papers and to share the social life of the chair.Go to our Facebook group page by clicking HERE!  
500+ people have joined our LinkeIN group so far. You can also join!

500+ people have joined our LinkeIN group so far. You can also join!

Click here for our LinkedIN Group. Our LinkedIN Group has 500+ people as of October 2012. Join us for updates and announcements.
Welcome to the BLOG Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology

Welcome to the BLOG Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology

  Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology led by Professor Wil Zonneveld. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools – visions, strategies, plans and programmes. We are particularly...
Latest entries
Conference in Breda, a text by Andreas Faludi

Conference in Breda, a text by Andreas Faludi

Shortly after ‘The Poverty of Territorialism’ (Faludi 2018) had come out, I was invited to a conference at Sobot in Poland on Maritime Spatial Planning. (See: https://www.spatialplanningtudelftarchive.org/2020/sopot/) Upon which I was asked to publish on ‘New horizons: Beyond Territorialism’ in EUROPA XXI, a journal published by the Polish Academy of Science. (Vol. 36, 2019, pp. 35-44; http://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2019.36.3)...
SPS Seminar: Cross-fertilization between Spatial Planning and Cohesion Policy in Portugal

SPS Seminar: Cross-fertilization between Spatial Planning and Cohesion Policy in Portugal

When: Wednesday 9 March, 12.30-13.30 Where: on campus and online, via Zoom Prior registration needed here. Please join us for the next SPS Seminar on Wednesday 9 March 12.30-13.30 CET (on campus & online). This time we welcome visiting research fellow Dr Cristina Cavaco, from the University of Lisbon. Cristina is an Associate Professor at...
Announcing Chasing Territorialism: a new book by Andreas Faludi

Announcing Chasing Territorialism: a new book by Andreas Faludi

Followers of this blog might wonder why I seem to have dropped out of sight. Well, in a way I have, but for reasons having to do with this blog. Some time ago, a close colleague at the Department of Urbanism at TU Delft, Roberto Rocco, had proposed to collect the blogs into an Ebook...
Online SPS Seminar: Time Travel project TU Delft & HafenCity University Hamburg

Online SPS Seminar: Time Travel project TU Delft & HafenCity University Hamburg

 When: Tuesday 1 March 2022, 12.30-13.30 Where: Online, via Zoom Prior registration needed here. Please join us for the next SPS Seminar on Tuesday 1 March 12.30-13.30 CET (online). This time we welcome Lukas Höller (SPS Urbanism, TU Delft), Dirk Schubert (HafenCity University Hamburg), and Christoph Lofi & Lixia Chu (EWI Computer Science, TU Delft),...
Manifesto for the future of water-linked heritage (Interreg WaVE)

Manifesto for the future of water-linked heritage (Interreg WaVE)

We just published a snappy and inspiring, policy-oriented document summarising the key take-away messages and lessons from the Interreg WaVE project, piloting actions for the use of water-linked heritage in cities and regions as a driver for ecoystemic changes and sustainability transitions. The project puts a strong emphasis on citizen engagement and co-creation as means...
RSA policy expo grant won - Going circular: unlocking the potential of regions and cities to drive the circular economy transition

RSA policy expo grant won – Going circular: unlocking the potential of regions and cities to drive the circular economy transition

Marcin Dąbrowski, together with a team of co-applicants including Karel van den Berghe, Ellen van Bueren (MBE, BK, TUD), and Joanna Williams (UCL), won a Policy Expo grant from the Regional Studies Association. The project is entitled “Going circular: unlocking the potential of regions and cities to drive the circular economy transition”. The project will...
ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’ published!

The ESPON policy brief ‘Cross-fertilisation of cohesion policy and spatial planning’, prepared by a team of researchers at SP&S, European Policies Research Centre (EPRC), and Czech University of Life Science, has just been published. It is incumbent on governments at all levels to ensure that cohesion policy is efficient and helps deliver territorial cohesion. Spatial...
New paper: Enabling Socio-Ecological Resilience in the Global South

New paper: Enabling Socio-Ecological Resilience in the Global South

Marcin Dabrowski teamed up with  Nilofer Tajuddin – our former Planning Complex Cities studio student and currently an associate at Resilient Cities Network – to co-write a paper looking into the challenge of building resilience in Chennai, India. The paper has been published in Open Access format in Sustainability and can be found here. It deserves...
Urban Studies Foundation Seminar on the fringe of COP26: Climate Urbanism

Urban Studies Foundation Seminar on the fringe of COP26: Climate Urbanism

Marcin Dabrowski took part in the Urban Studies Foundation event happening on the fringe of COP26 and tackling the issue of climate urbanism. The seminar included no less than five talks from USF grantees questioning whether urban resilience was the final form of urban climate change adaptation or even whether the urban as we know...
The Turkish Wall

The Turkish Wall

I remember the Berlin Wall from German radio – west and east – reporting its being built to keep citizens of the German Democratic Republic away from West German fleshpots. Like with the ‘Turkish Wall’ (Sayarer 2021) and like edifices around Ceuta and Melilla, Spanish enclaves on the Moroccan coast, the point of building walls...
The Year of 1864, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Year of 1864, a text by Andreas Faludi

Assuming its audience to be in the know about the significance of the date, the Danish TV series under this title seems to vindicate Lord Palmerston‘s bon mot (referred to in my earlier blog on ‘Territorialism Follies’) that the issue was beyond comprehension. Danish viewers in any case must have understood the message. Others at least learn about a nationalistic...
Deal with the world as it is, a text by Andreas Faludi

Deal with the world as it is, a text by Andreas Faludi

    Referring to Afghanistan, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell (2021) argued for comprehending the situation on the ground. Incomprehension is a feature also of our dealings with new member states. Rest assured, this is no defence of ’Orbàn & co’. However, instead of casting them all-too-often as targets of our enlightened messages, we...