Welcome to the SPS BLOG

Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Our 2019 group photo

Our 2019 group photo

This is our group in 2019 with our vision for the future. In 2019 Professor Vincent Nadin has left the section, as he retired. For information about our group, please write to spatial planning-BK@tudelft.nl
Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

Book Celebrating Spatial Planning at TU Delft

On the occasion of Professor Vincent Nadin’s retirement after 11 years at TU Delft, the section Spatial Planning and Strategy launched a book celebrating Vincent’s time as head of the section and later a head of department. This book is a compilation of all our activities during those eleven years....
SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft

SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft

SPS is part of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft. Click on the logo to go to the official website of the Department of Urbanism Urbanism The Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology...


  The chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy promotes activities concerning International Urban Development. This concerns mostly issues of urban development in the Global South. This includes (but is not limited to) urban management, housing, informal urbanisation, governance, resources management, territorial management, urban emergencies, among other topics concerning the built environment in the Global...
Join our Facebook group! 5000+ people have done so!

Join our Facebook group! 5000+ people have done so!

5000+ people have joined our group on Facebook since its creation. That is the space we use to comment on current events, to discuss books and papers and to share the social life of the chair.Go to our Facebook group page by clicking HERE!  
500+ people have joined our LinkeIN group so far. You can also join!

500+ people have joined our LinkeIN group so far. You can also join!

Click here for our LinkedIN Group. Our LinkedIN Group has 500+ people as of October 2012. Join us for updates and announcements.
Welcome to the BLOG Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology

Welcome to the BLOG Spatial Planning and Strategy of the Delft University of Technology

  Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology led by Professor Wil Zonneveld. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools – visions, strategies, plans and programmes. We are particularly...
Latest entries
Philadelphia Revisited, a text by Andreas Faludi

Philadelphia Revisited, a text by Andreas Faludi

No, this is not about renewing my all-too-brief acquaintance with Philadelphia at the occasion of some event at the university in the mid-2000s. Of course, I could not fail to visit Independence Hall, the site commemorating the famous Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution at what then was the Pennsylvania State House, now a...
Banana Republics? A text by Andreas Faludi

Banana Republics? A text by Andreas Faludi

  In postwar Vienna we used to listed to a satirical broadcast by the US occupying forces, waiting to hear: ‘When Harun al-Rashid roamed the streets in private…’, followed by something that had transpired during the week. Asking bystanders about the why and how, the caliph always received the same reply: ‘Stranger, you should know...
Course Spatial Circularity Strategies for Sustainable Regional Development

Course Spatial Circularity Strategies for Sustainable Regional Development

Future circular regions will look very different from our contemporary linear built environments. On October 6th, the first edition of the hands-on online course for professionals: Spatial Circularity Strategies for Sustainable Regional Development will start. It will focus on how to include the spatial dimension in the operationalization of circularity. On behalf of TU Delft’s...
Interreg WaVE at #EURegionsWeek conference - join the participatory lab on co-creating heritage futures (13 Oct)

Interreg WaVE at #EURegionsWeek conference – join the participatory lab on co-creating heritage futures (13 Oct)

On the 13th of October  2:30 to 4:00 p.m. (Amsterdam time) we will be hosting a participatory lab session as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities (the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy and territorial development, which has become a unique communication and networking platform, bringing together practitioners and academics...
'The Turkish Wall', a text by Andreas Faludi

‘The Turkish Wall’, a text by Andreas Faludi

I remember the Berlin Wall from German radio – west and east – reporting its being built to keep citizens of the German Democratic Republic away from West German fleshpots. Like with the ‘Turkish Wall’ (Sayarer 2021) and like edifices around Ceuta and Melilla, Spanish enclaves on the Moroccan coast, the point of building walls...
A 'Prison of Nations'?, a text by Andreas Faludi

A ‘Prison of Nations’?, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Rule of Law Report (European Commission 2021) challenging her country has not amused Hungarian Minister of Justice Judit Varga (2021). She defended her country’s unwillingness ‘…to allow the LGBT+ lobby into our schools and kindergartens….’ With the European Parliament having won its battle for a bigger voice at the Conference on the Future of...
The Future is for the Brave, a text by Andreas Faludi

The Future is for the Brave, a text by Andreas Faludi

I cannot complain about ‘The Poverty of Territorialism’ (Faludi 2018) not receiving enough attention. More than two years after its publication, there is another review in the French Journal Annales de Géographie. (https://www.cairn.info/load_pdf.php?ID_ARTICLE=AG_739_0178&download=1) It is by Yann Richard who has been instrumental also in getting an extended version of my paper given at Rennes in 2018...
Opposition to 'Contemporary Universalism', a text by Andreas Faludi

Opposition to ‘Contemporary Universalism’, a text by Andreas Faludi

My encounter with Frank Furedi (2018) came rather late in writing ‘The Poverty of Territorialism’ (Faludi 2018) when I noticed his defence of the position of what have once been ‘new member states’ and now a thorn in the flesh of such enthusiasts of European integration as still exist. New members have no wish to...
The EU is not eternal, a text by Andreas Faludi

The EU is not eternal, a text by Andreas Faludi

See here an astute comment from Slovenia at the occasion of the announcement of a ‘mini-Schengen’ for EU-hopeful Serbia and Albania (not Kosovo!) and North Macedonia still not admitted even to the waiting room of candidate status. Commentators from Bulgaria and Italy also agree: a ‘Balkan alliance’ outside the EU is in the making. Blame...
Online SPS Seminar with Mark Pendras and Charles Williams, University of Washington - Navigating Pandemic Urbanism: Regional Gentrification in Secondary Cities

Online SPS Seminar with Mark Pendras and Charles Williams, University of Washington – Navigating Pandemic Urbanism: Regional Gentrification in Secondary Cities

When: Wednesday 8 September 2021, 17.00-18.00 Where: Online, via Zoom. Prior registration needed here. Please join us for the next SPS Seminar on Wednesday 8 September 17.00-18.00 CET (Online). This time we welcome Dr Mark Pendras and Dr Charles Williams, from the University of Washington Tacoma, and editors of the recent book Secondary Cities: Exploring...
My imperial roots, a text by Andreas Faludi

My imperial roots, a text by Andreas Faludi

With my father born in Hungary and my mother in Austria, both before 1918, I am second-generation Austro-Hungarian. Born in Budàpest, I spoke German and Hungarian but have unlearned successively my German and eventually my Hungarian. That was after my mother, by then widowed, had taken me to Austria in 1946. Tainted by the seven...
The tangle we got ourselves into, a text by Andreas Faludi

The tangle we got ourselves into, a text by Andreas Faludi

At the 2018 conferences of CIST (Collège international des sciences territoriale) mine was one of only two in English.  (Faludi 2018) Not to worry: I met exciting people and my extended paper (in French: Faludi 2019) went into the Dossier des Annales de Droit.  Like me, Kahn and Richard (2020) underscore the EU‘s being – my term –...