Marcin Dąbrowski’s new paper on flood risk management (FRM) in coastal Asian cities is about to be published in Journal of Cleaner Production. It was written is collaboration with colleagues from Nottingham Ningbo University and University of Leeds (F. Chan – lead author), National University of Singapore (C.C. Joon and A. Ziegler) and Aalto University (O. Varis).  The paper reviews and assesses FRM practices in Hong Kong and Singapore, two leading Asian cities when it comes to promoting adaptation to the growing flood risk related with climate change. One of the foci of the paper, related to SPS work on climate adaptation / planning nexus, is the integration of flood consideration into spatial planning and the governance challenges that this entails.

The paper can be downloaded for free until 26 of May 2018 by following this link.


Journal of Cleaner Production

Volume 187, 20 June 2018, Pages 576-589

Towards resilient flood risk management for Asian coastal cities: Lessons learned from Hong Kong and Singapore


Many coastal cities are experiencing growing risk to hydrological hazards through the combination of uncontrolled urban development and exposure to natural phenomena linked to climate change, including rising sea levels, intensified storms, and amplified storm surges. This growing risk is particularly acute in Asian coastal mega-cities, many of which have yet to develop adequate adaptation policies to address plausible impacts of climate change. In this analysis, we review how Hong Kong and Singapore, two of the most affluent coastal cities in East Asia, have initiated many flood mitigation strategies policies that have allowed them to reduce the impacts flooding. These strategies, once relying largely on building flood control structures, have now evolved to include holistic flood risk management approaches that include socio-economic factors. Arguably these two success stories provide inspiration for other coastal Asian cities. However, as climate change and uncontrolled development are likely to increase urban flooding in the future, general improvements could be made to improve knowledge transfer: e.g., develop means to work across policy silos and strike compromises between conflicting sectoral responsibilities, and develop long-term integrated strategies using planning tools and practices to address growing risk. While knowledge transfer cannot be direct because of different geographical settings, socio-economic situations, and political situations, we encourage governments to look beyond engineering-based flood control structures as to develop flood governance programs.


Coastal cities
Climate adaptation
Flood risk management
Hong Kong and Singapore
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