Young Planning Student at Addis Ababa EiABC, Photo by R. Rocco

Edited by:Roberto Rocco & Peter Abraham Fukuda Loewi

This project investigates the ‘communicative turn’ in planning practice, and its potential for insurgent forms of civic engagement and democracy-building.  It searches for planners ‘pushing the envelope’ and challenging technocratic spatial planning, incorporating notions of participation, spatial justice and the right to the city into their daily practices. It delves into those daily practices to answer the question “How do you employ an insurgent planner ?”. It relies on conversations with planners acting in a number of cities around the world and aims to serve as a catalogue of radical experiences that challenge the status quo of contemporary market-based, exclusionary city-making.

This book also incorporates cross-cutting issues of gender, race, class, sexual orientation and others, to try and explore how insurgent planners around the world challenge technocratic planning by bringing diversity into planning.

Please, explore the rationale of the book to understand the project in detail.

Visit the call for proposals for information on how to submit a chapter proposal.

We are looking for original contributions from capable researchers and practitioners all over the world.This is an initial call for expressions of interest to contribute to this publication. We would kindly ask you to submit a short 2-page proposal (not exceeding 1000 words) explaining the possible contents of your chapter including:

1.     A brief introduction/summary

2.     A brief description of the insurgent planner you intend to interview (all chaptersmust be developed around a particular person who )

3.     How you intend to approach the person and how this approach catersfor the objectives of the book (please read the other sections of this website for a complete overview of the rationale of the book)

4.     Your main research questions

5.     A brief indication of the methodology

6.     A list of possible references


Initial proposals will be judged on the base of the following general criteria :
1. Academic excellence,
2. Adherence to the objectives and rationale of the book,
3. Relevance of the case to the intended coverage of the book (persons in different socio-economic and cultural areas),
4. Clarity, conciseness, structure of the argument.

These are the specific criteria used to review abstracts:

  1. Is insurgent planning described as a multi-dimensional practice, embedded in a specific planning culture?
  2. Is insurgent planning connected to local or national political processes? Does the abstract investigate insurgency in relation to politics, governance, democratisation, the state, discourse of rights, or the rule of law?
  3. Is the abstract well written? Structure of the argument, spelling and grammar, adherence to academic conventions (quotations, sources, etc).
  4. Specific insurgent planners? The chapter must have a person or persons being described, who can be interviewed and whose actions can be documented for this project
  5. Overall impression of the abstract? A more subjective valuation of the abstract and whether it fits the objectives of the book.

This initial proposal should be simple and to the point. The editors will analyse your proposal before submitting it to a pool of senior reviewers. Editors expect to get back to possible contributors soon with an assessment of their proposal, indicating whether it has been accepted, accepted with amendments or rejected. Rejection is not a sign of poor scholarship, but rather an indication that your focus does not fit the purposes of the book. For accepted proposals, editors expect to work with authors very closely in order to support them in the writing process, providing reviews and guidance about the development of the text.

Read the complete call for proposals HERE.

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