General structure of sustainable urban development evaluation tools

General structure of sustainable urban development evaluation tools with five hierarchical levels, indicating a top-down definition and a bottom-up interpretation of the system of indicators and benchmarks, with critical conceptual transitions between levels, requiring either theory or empirical evidence.

An article by PhD student Jorge Gil reviewing existing tools for evaluating the sustainability of urban design has been published in the Proceedings of the ICE – Urban Design and Planning. From the abstract:

“[…] This article identifies and reviews a selection of sustainable urban development evaluation tools that are applicable to the early stages of urban design projects, to provide a clearer picture of the state of play to those needing to use such tools and those wanting to develop new ones. The review follows an analytical framework covering the format, structure, content and output of the tools, based on the recommendations of planning evaluation theory and the requirements of urban design practice. […] ”

The full article is available in the following link.

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