A pattern language approach to learning in planning

A new paper by Remon Rooij and Machiel van Dorst published in Urban Planning.

SPS-er Remon Rooij wrote a commentary article in the Urban Planning journal together with Urbanism colleague Machiel van Dorst on how (former) urbanism students use and perceive the value of a pattern language approach. The commentary presents the position that a pattern language approach facilitates, even catalyzes (comparative) learning in planning for young professionals. This position builds on literature and is supported by the research work of six MSc Urbanism graduation projects, in which the students adopted a pattern language approach. Additionally, these alumni have been asked in retrospect to evaluate their pattern language experiences for their learning. The students say their pattern languages give focus, enrich the knowledge field, are flexible, and they do not prescribe what to do, or how to make a plan. Students see and appreciate the value of the simple, yet thoughtful structure of a pattern with both visual and verbal information. Additionally, they observe that this method enables the connection between disciplines, between theory and practice, and between stakeholders, and that, potentially, it is a helpful tool for all kinds of stakeholders. They refer to the method as a tool for communication, a tool for design and analysis, and a tool for learning.

The paper can be accessed here.



A Pattern Language Approach to Learning in Planning (2020). In: Urban Planning. http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/up.v5i1.2961

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