Simone Rots and Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado co-authored a journal paper published (open access) in International Planning Studies (Vol 24, No. 3-4) entitled ‘Planning Ciudad Guayana, an industrial new town in oil-rich Venezuela’.  The publication is part of a Special Issue ‘Visionary Cities or Spaces of uncertainty? Satellite Cities and New Towns in Emerging Economies’.  The article addresses unique partnership between the Venezuelan development agency (CVG) and the Joint Center for Urban Studies from Harvard University and the MIT during the early 1960s with the purpose to plan an industrial city in the Guayana region of Venezuela. Looking for answers to the rapid urbanization issues, the academic planners were willing to test the latest planning and design approaches on the field, implementing several experimental projects. Ciudad Guayana became a useful urban laboratory that provided important urban lessons.

The link for the paper:


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