Since 2019, SPS-er Remon Rooij has been member of the editorial board of the ICE Proceedings – Urban Design and Planning. In 2019 he co-authored with Roberto Rocco and Gregory Bracken a briefing article on ‘Professor Vincent Nadin’s decade of spatial planning and strategy at TU Delft’. In 2020 he reviewed two interesting books in the fields of sustainable mobility and pedestrian modelling. Have a look:

  1. Professor Vincent Nadin’s decade of spatial planning and strategy at TU Delft (2019). In ICE Proceedings – Urban Design and Planning.
  2. Book review (2020). ‘One Planet’ Cities: Sustaining Humanity within Planetary Limits. In ICE Proceedings – Urban Design and Planning.
  3. Book review (2020). Modelling Pedestrian Movement. In ICE Proceedings – Urban Design and Planning.
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