Supported by the Delft Infrastructures & Mobility Initiative (DIMI), the chair of Spatial Planning & Strategy conducted an inventory of Transport Oriented Development (TOD) strategies in the Netherlands, BESTNET. This research into current Dutch practices concluded that the TOD concept is embraced by policy makers in regions but that implementation is hampered by persistent governance, financial and knowledge barriers. The study has informed the final phase of the NWO program Duurzame Bereikbaarheid Randstad (Sustainable Accessibility in the Randstad).

The Department of Urbanism/OTB has now received a grant related to the program. The research project will focus on the implementation of TOD strategies in the North Wing of the Randstad Holland and will be conducted in co-operation with the University of Amsterdam and the Radboud University Nijmegen. Three interrelated sub-projects aim at identifying a critical mass of transport and land-use policy measures for achieving TOD, improving the financial feasibility of TOD through investigating value capturing instruments at both the network level and the location level and understanding decision making through analyzing processes of using, representing and translating knowledge and information related to TOD planning concepts.

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