The new issue of Built Environment features articles focusing on ‘Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003. The journal is edited by Ina Klaasen and Wil Zonneveld. “The European Council of Town Planners (ECTP) is confident that in the 21st century Europe will advance decisively towards the goal of integration. Within this developing framework, the ECTP presents a common and widely shared Vision of the future of European cities’, so reads the introduction to the New Charter of Athens. The editors and contributors to this issue of Built Environment set out to evaluate the ECTP Charter, looking specifi cally at the underlying assumptions about how European society is developing and how according to the Charter spatial planning and spatial planners should respond”

Built Environment: Evaluating the New Charter of Athens 2003, Delft University of Technology, Volume 38, number 4, December 2012

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