TU Delft has established a joint research centre with South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, on Urban Systems and Environment (USE). The Department of Urbanism and Chair of Spatial Planning are centrally involved in the centre together with colleagues in the Faculties of Technology, Policy and Management (TBM) and Civil Engineering. Vincent Nadin is the research director representing TU Delft, working closely with Martin de Jong in TBM.

‘Urban systems’ is an important field of research globally, and especially in China where notions such as ‘eco-cities’, ‘low carbon cities’, ‘smart cities and urbanisation’ attract a lot of interest among policy makers and developers. The research centre aims to support Chinese and Dutch decision makers in the creation of a higher quality living environments that support the transition towards a high value added knowledge economy, and the reduction of natural resource consumption and harmful emissions.

The priorities in 2013 are to develop a small number of joint projects including research on aspects of the design of more ecologically friendly buildings and neighbourhoods, and on the role of spatial planning in promoting more sustainable urbanisation.
More details from v.nadin@tudelft.nl

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