BLOG-ICONThe Development Studies Group of the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (TU Delft), together with colleagues from the Universities of Toronto and Aalborg,  has launched a new BLOG to circulate information and promote debate on themes related to spatial planning in Latin America. With the aim of expanding the scope of the debate, the blog also builds on collaborations with scholars at other institutions. Click HERE to visit the BLOG.

Latin America has high rates of urbanization, but urban development is highly unequal and largely unsustainable in the region.  Main issues concern housing, mobility, environmental preservation and metropolitan and territorial resources management. Inequality of life chances is one of the main challenges for the region. At the same time, Latin America is often praised as a site of urban innovation. Over the past few decades, social movements and progressive planners have mobilized agendas towards socio-spatial justice and livability.

We believe that spatial planners have a big role to play in shaping the attention of the public and of policymakers in relation to those issues. By conceiving sustainable and fair spatial plans, we may help shape the future of the continent towards fairer and more equal societies, through notions like the ‘right to the city’. Our job is to make the ‘right to the city’ a reality, extending  gains to all sectors of society.

Our mission in this BLOG is to gather and circulate information, promote debate and exchange among scholars, practitioners and members of the public in order to shape their attention to the issues above and to seek feasible, sustainable and democratic solutions for the problems of urbanization in Latin America.

Ana Maria Fernandez-Maldonado (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

Luisa Sotomayor (University of Toronto, Canada)

Roberto Rocco (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

Daniel Galland (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Click HERE to visit the BLOG.

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