Roberto Rocco, assistant professor at Spatial Planning and Strategy, has spent 3 weeks as fellow researcher at the Department of Resource Management, Landscape Architecture and Planning of the University of Copenhagen led by Professor Gertrud Jørgensen.

The fellowship was made possible through an internal grant from the University of Copenhagen and aimed at improving links between SPS and the University of Copenhagen and advance in elaborating a research project for WP4 in the PLEEC Project. Roberto worked on issues connected to the PLEEC project and gave an open lecture about Issues of Governance in Spatial Planning, available HERE, and had several meetings and discussions with staff of KU (University of Copenhagen). The exchange was organised and facilitated by Christian Fertnet, assistant professor at KU.


Norrebro Station, in the heart of Norrebro, a diverse and vibrant popular neighbourhood in Copenhagen.

Norrebro Station, in the heart of Norrebro, a diverse and vibrant popular neighbourhood in Copenhagen.

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