Jan Vogelij discusses:The European Union and Spatial Planning THURSDAY 01 OCT 12h30 room BGWEST270
There are many misunderstandings about the European Union and its relation to the field of spatial planning.
Therefore it would be good to consider what really is happening in the Union with regard to our profession.
Why should we consider the relation of our field with the EU since the Commission has no remit for spatial planning?
Does the Union influence spatial development and is the European scale relevant for spatial planning?
Which EU policies are relevant for us? What happens since the adoption of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP)?
Do more concerted sector policies and the cohesion policy at the EU level lead to homogenization of spatial qualities?
Such and other questions are reason for discussing next issues with Jan Vogelij, who represents the European planning practitioners on behalf of the European council of spatial planners (ECTP-CEU) to the policy preparation in the meetings of the Member State Ministeries responsible for spatial and urban development.
–  Influences of the EU on spatial development in the Member States
–  EU spatial policy (without an explicit competence)
–  Agreements since the ESDP
–  Roles of ECTP-CEU, NTCCP and UDG
–  Lessons for our profession and our message to the EU
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