Topic: Green City Freiburg’s Challenge? Increase the housing stock by 15% in 15 years, whilst minimalizing the city’s land-use

Speaker: Pieter van der Kooij

Venue: BG West 270, BK, TU Delft

Date and Time: 20 June (Monday) 12:30 – 13:30

Valeria and Verena copy

Freiburg (South-West Germany, 230.000 inhabitants) is renowned worldwide for its sustainability policies. For over a decade the city has a restrictive land-use policy, focusing on urban transformation. This policy is based on population prognoses that foresaw moderate growth and even stagnancy from the year 2020 onwards.

However: Population prognoses have underestimated birthrates and migration to the Green City with a strong knowledge-based economy. This has caused a housing shortage with real estate prices that are among the highest in Germany.

The new strategic vision Freiburg 2030 combines landscape architecture, architectural and urban design and planning with innovative GIS-analyses to find new spatial potentials in inner-city-development. The vision’s challenge? Increase the housing stock by 15% in 15 years to preserve the diverse population and quality of life that characterize Freiburg today.

Please, download Pieter’s presentation HERE.

Pieter van der Kooij is an experienced urban planner with a focus on participatory urban planning & design, urban transformation and infrastructure design. He is the project leader for the city’s new strategic urban planning vision for the year 2030 within Freiburg’s urban planning department. He’ll visit the TU Delft to present the end-result of a two year long intensive participatory planning process.

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