Stephen Read (web).jpgStephen Read, Associate Professor at the Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft, presented his work on Thursday 12 FEB.

Power, politics and community in Shenzhen

Shenzhen is a city that comprises 80% migrants with very few rights. Talking of power in the case of the dispossessed seems like a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, occupancy itself constitutes a form of possession. This research draws on the work of Hannah Arendt, Neil Smith, Solomon Benjamin and some ideas of urban space to develop a progressive theory of the politics of occupancy and community. 
 SPS Seminar
Stephen Read in his own words:
I work in the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy in the Department of Urbanism, TU Delft. I trained as an architect in South Africa and worked as an architect in Cape Town and London before doing a Masters level urbanism course and PhD in Delft. In my PhD I used space syntax methods to research the structure of Dutch cities.I retain my interest in urban modelling and more generally urban form, structure, space and centrality. My interest builds from this out into urban and regional transformation and urban development as an historical process, especially in relation to material cultures, spatial practices and technologies. This leads me into the problems of ‘environment’ and ‘action’. I have become particularly interested in the human-environment relation and the role of materials and technologies in mediating this relation. I am developing a hermeneutical phenomenological or ‘post-phenomenological’, ‘technoscience’ view of human action and activity in architectural and urban space.I make use of ecological approaches (Uexküll and J.J. Gibson), hermeneutical philosophy of science and post-phenomenology (Patrick Heelan and Don Ihde), and am interested in the ways a ‘material urbanism’ relates to complex and developmental systems (Stuart Kauffman and Isabelle Stengers).I teach urban theory and urban planning and design and supervise MSc and PhD students on topics related to urban and regional form, centrality and activity, and urban and regional development.
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