Cross Cutting Seminar: The potential for flood resilience of different planning systems compared: JUNE 6 10:00-12:00 Berlagezaal 1, BK (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Julianalaan 134, Delft)

Rising damages from flood events have led to a global call to stimulate flood resilience through spatial planning strategies. In 2015, Berke and colleagues developed a method for creating a Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard (PIRS) to help communities better understand the coordination and efficacy of their policy responses to flood hazards. After applying the PIRS method to communities in the US, the approach was translated to the Dutch context and applied to Rotterdam’s Feijenoord District. Findings demonstrate that even in a city that’s internationally recognized for its adaptation strategy conflicts remain. Although the network of plans in Feijenoord performs better compared to its US counterparts, the Dutch system produces plan conflicts that undermine the potential of flood resilience in the study site. The seminar discusses how both planning systems can do better from a transnational comparative perspective.

The PIRS-project has been sponsored by the US National Science Foundation, and is part of the PIRE Coastal Flood Risk Reduction exchange program with TU Delft. PIRE encourages US students from the fields of spatial planning, landscape architecture, urban design, hydrology and coastal engineering to study Dutch integrated flood risk reduction approaches. The program touches upon the work of the Delta Urbanism research group and the chair of Spatial Planning & Strategy.

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