Satellite imagery from NOAA shows Hurricane Jose, along the U.S. East Coast, and Hurricane Maria, in the Atlantic Ocean near the Leeward Islands. Trailing Maria is Tropical Depression Lee.

This announcement concerns the Summer School Planning and Design with Water, organised at the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Bouwkunde, TU Delft

Puerto Rico has recently experienced an extreme climate event in the form of Hurricane Maria. Extreme climate events are bound to become more frequent with climate change and we must be prepared to face the consequences for our cities and regions. Maybe we can say extreme climate events are part of how the Earth is reacting to our unsustainable way of living. Our cities are ill prepared to face the challenges ahead.

We believe our school can make a difference in producing strategies to “build back better” (BBB), helping Puerto Rico to prepare for the challenges of Climate Change.

Puerto Rico and other Caribbean Islands are especially vulnerable to increased extreme climate events that threaten the lives of citizens, and damage infrastructures and economic assets. Recent events have killed a number of people and displaced countless more.

For this reason, in 2018 the Summer School will fund one Puerto Rican student entirely (fee, plane tickets, accommodation and other expenses)  and will have special fees for other selected Puerto Rican students.

In order to apply for this scholarship, please follow the same steps as other candidates for the Summer School, explained HERE. Please note that applications will start on February 1st 2018.

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