The applications for the TU Delft Summer School Planning and Design with Water are now closed.

The School had a record number of 188 applications from 53 different countries.

Many factors have contributed for these numbers, not least word of mouth and social media. Our Summer School is a high-level introduction to how we teach and learn Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft.

The MOOC Rethink the City also played a big role promoting the school. This MOOC has a record number of participants and the best student will receive a full scholarship for the Summer School. This has obviously contributed to promote the school.

A few curious numbers:

China is always our biggest source for candidates (42). We also have 18 candidates from Belarus, 12 from India, 12 from Brazil and so on but we also have candidates from the UK, Argentina, Thailand, Myanmar, Paraguay, Bulgaria, Vietnam and even Japan.

Here is a map showing the cities where all the candidates come from:

64% of candidates are women!

59% are Bachelor students, 27 % are Master students (there are also PhD students and non-students)


60% of students think the Summer School’s main objective is: “To encourage students to think critically about issues of sustainability and urban development”.

30% of candidates think it is: “To enable students to find innovative solutions for environmental problems in today’s cities”.


85% of candidates chose the following values as most important to develop in the SS: “To achieve social, environmental and economic sustainability”. Only 1% thought that “To make cities more competitive and efficient” was important.


75% said that the following personal values were most important to develop: “Critical thinking, leadership and awareness”


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