A question to all planners and designers, policy makers and NGO people out there.

What organisations could help us (TU Delft) fund students from the Global South who wish to come to our Summer School Planning and Design with Water?

Would you please give us suggestions below?

This is the letter we have prepared:

Dear X,

Every year, the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft organises a Summer School about water sensitive urban planning and design.

The idea is to provide knowledge and skills for young planners and designers working around the world on sustainable, fair and inclusive urbanisation that is sensitive to the climate challenges of our time, building upon the Dutch tradition of urbanisation with water.
In 2018, we will organise the 5th edition of the school, having successfully hosted +250 students in the past editions.

We would like to provide more scholarships for students from the Global South, who otherwise would not be able to visit TU Delft and the Netherlands. We hope that these students will go back to their countries and act as multipliers of knowledge.

We have a low policy fee, as we wish to make the school inclusive and diverse. But in order to be able to fund more students from the Global South, we need your help. Each student costs approximately €1500, depending of the region of the world they come from. This amount covers plane fares, accommodation and daily allowance for food and small expenses. The fees of the Summer School are waived.

It would be great if you could help us fund one student. If you agree, we would gladly include a message from your organization on our website,, add your logo to our list of partners and other actions that would help us repay your contribution. Please, get in touch with us on the address on the left. We are eager to hear from you.

Thank you so much in advance.
Roberto Rocco, Assistant Professor of Spatial Planning, Bouwkunde, TU Delft
TU Delft Summer School Planning & Design with Water https://summerschooltudelft.org

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