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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Posts tagged "book"
European Community-led Housing Meeting

European Community-led Housing Meeting

Together with Darinka Czichke from MBE, SPS researcher Lidewij Tummers presents ongoing research in COllaborative housing at a European coordination meeting, convened by Urbamonde on MAY 28, in Brussels. For more information, see: https://urbamonde.org To consult the digital platform on the social production of habitat platform: psh.urbamonde.org. More about the growing numbers of co-housing in...
New publication on knowledge-based development

New publication on knowledge-based development

Edward Elgar has a recently published a book edited by Tan Yigitcanlar, Kostas Metaxiotis, Francisco Carrillo entitled Building Prosperous Knowledge Cities. Policies, Plans and Metrics.  The book provides a thorough understanding of the transformations and the key issues in building prosperous knowledge cities by focusing particularly on the policy making, planning process and performance assessment aspects. The contributors...
Making Room for People: Choice, Voice and Liveability in Residential Places, a new book

Making Room for People: Choice, Voice and Liveability in Residential Places, a new book

Making Room for People Choice, Voice and Liveability in Residential Places   Edited by Lei Qu and Evert Hasselaar Published by: Techne Press Authors: Gabriela Rendón, Edward Hulsbergen, Paul Stouten, Evert Hasselaar, Luuk Boelens, Anne-Jo Visser, Hein de Haan, Lidewij Tummers, Lei Qu   Making Room for People elaborates on preferences in housing. It explores...

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