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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Posts tagged "spatial planning"
SPS Seminar 3 September 2019: Johan Martinus - Institutional Aspects of Spatial Planning for Paramaribo, Suriname

SPS Seminar 3 September 2019: Johan Martinus – Institutional Aspects of Spatial Planning for Paramaribo, Suriname

  Institutional Aspects of Spatial Planning for Paramaribo Johan Martinus 3 September 2019, 12:30 Room 01 West 640 The presentation starts with an overview of the growth of Paramaribo. Planning by the Governor was left in the first half of the 19th century. The five and ten years planning after WW II needed a renewed...
Sharon Wohl PhD success

Sharon Wohl PhD success

  Sharon Wohl has successfully defended her thesis: Complex Adaptive Systems and Urban Morphogenesis. The panel were impressed with the work based on journal publications, and the thoughtful and robust answers to challenging questions. We thank the panel for their contribution to the promotion: Dr. Stephen Marshall, U College London; Prof. dr. Francis P. Heylighen,...
Guangzhou International Design Forum 2017.

Guangzhou International Design Forum 2017.

The 2017 Guangzhou International Design Forum took the ‘design-driven city’ as its theme with the aim to create a platform for conversation between government, society, and experts in China and abroad. It is intended to help Guangzhou explore the direction for the next round of urban development. Vincent Nadin represented TU Delft with presentations to...
New paper on climate change adaptation in delta cities out in Progress in Planning

New paper on climate change adaptation in delta cities out in Progress in Planning

A new collaborative paper, co-authored by three Urbanism colleagues Marcin Dąbrowski, Yuting Tai and Dominic Stead as well as Maria Francesch-Huidobro (Hong Kong City University) and Faith Chan (Nottingham Ningbo University) and entitled “Governance challenges of flood-prone delta cities: Integrating flood risk management and climate change in spatial planning” has been accepted for publication in Progress in Planning and is published online ahead of...
Planning the historic urban core

Planning the historic urban core

Spatial Planning at TU Delft has published the final summary report of a pilot project on urban planning for historic urban cores funded by the EU Joint Programming Initiative: Cultural Heritage. The report explains the impact of the urban planing reforms on the management of historic urban cores in three countries in north-west Europe. Planning...
The Great Planning Game

The Great Planning Game

This is a game based on a paper by Karina Sehested from the UNiversity of Copenhagen. (SEHESTED, K. 2010. Urban Planners as Network Managers and Metagovernors, Planning Theory & Practice 10:2, 245-263). The aim of this game is to familiarize students with the different roles and combinations of roles they can play in network governance...
Planning for the Great Palace Museum Area, Taipei, project bid

Planning for the Great Palace Museum Area, Taipei, project bid

The Chair of Spatial Planning is cooperating with the National Taipei University’s Graduate Institute of Urban Studies on a bid to the Taipei City Government. The proposal is to assist with a strategy and regeneration plan for the National Palace Museum, Taipei and the nearby Yangming Mountain National Park. The initiative comes from Yu-Tzu Lin...

Governance Lecture: Teaching Governance for Urbanism

Governance Lecture Series 1: Governance for Urbanism. Please follow and like us:
Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lecture Series 1: Governance for Urbanism View more presentations from Roberto Rocco Please follow and like us:
The Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy is located at TU Delft

The Chair Spatial Planning and Strategy is located at TU Delft

The Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy is led by Professor Vincent Nadin and is located in the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology. We are particularly interested in how intervention through spatial planning can meet the challenge of territorial management in the context of the growing complexity of networked...

Introduction on Strategic Planning

This is a quite long presentation on strategic planning. It is composed by two main parts: recent shifts in the understanding of urban planning and design + basic elements of strategic planning. This presentation can be seen without a presenter (hence the text). Introduction on Strategic Planning View more presentations from Roberto Rocco. Please follow...

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