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Spatial planning and strategy is a chair in the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. We are concerned with knowledge about the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategic and urban planning tools - visions, strategies, plans and programmes.

Posts tagged "urbanism"
Sharon Wohl PhD success

Sharon Wohl PhD success

  Sharon Wohl has successfully defended her thesis: Complex Adaptive Systems and Urban Morphogenesis. The panel were impressed with the work based on journal publications, and the thoughtful and robust answers to challenging questions. We thank the panel for their contribution to the promotion: Dr. Stephen Marshall, U College London; Prof. dr. Francis P. Heylighen,...
Planning the historic urban core

Planning the historic urban core

Spatial Planning at TU Delft has published the final summary report of a pilot project on urban planning for historic urban cores funded by the EU Joint Programming Initiative: Cultural Heritage. The report explains the impact of the urban planing reforms on the management of historic urban cores in three countries in north-west Europe. Planning...
Presentation Tools for Research

Presentation Tools for Research

Tools for research in areas of design practice: problem finding. View more presentations from Roberto Rocco Please follow and like us:
Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lectures: Property X Justice

Governance Lecture Series 1: Governance for Urbanism View more presentations from Roberto Rocco Please follow and like us:

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