Thirty-two Chinese and Taiwanese students have completed the programme of the 1st Summer School Planning and Design with Water, organised by the Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy (Vincent Nadin and Roberto Rocco) in partnership with the chair of Environmental Technology & Design of the TU Delft (Fransje Hooimeijer) and the Department of Urban Planning of the National Cheng-Kung University of Taiwan (Betty Chang).

The 2014 Summer School Planning and Designing with Water focused on the challenges and solutions found in order to comply with contemporary water management and urban design and planning practices. It invited students to understand the theories and practices that bring together water management and urban development and to apply the knowledge acquired in the elaboration of a vision and a spatial plan for a specific area in the vicinity of Rotterdam. The aim of the Summer School was to explore the Dutch tradition of planning and designing with water and the integration of water management with urban development in the Netherlands.

This exercise included site visits, talks with professionals and academics and a short studio-led exercise, where students and teachers will explore possibilities through the elaboration of spatial scenarios and the design of spatial strategy in case city in the Greater Rotterdam area, one of the most important urbanised delta regions of the world. Lecturers included our own Yuting Tai, Liang Xiong, Chen Chung, Marcin Dabrowski, Taneha Bacchin, Peter van Veelen, Roberto Rocco and Fransje Hooimeijer, and also Gerda Roeleveld from Deltares.

The Summer School took place at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft between 18th and 26th July. Below, a few highlights of the Summer School. You can also visit the School’s website HERE.



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